A R Pond Maintenance and Supplies




Pre-Vent is a unique formula that seeks to succeed where many commercial bacteria cultures fail.  Pre-Vent is safe for all pond fish, plants, and biological filtration systems.

Pre-Vent will be used every 10-14 days to help rebalance your pond. To aid in the prevention of the return of stubborn Blanketweed.


  • Add 10g per 266 gallons (1207L). The enclosed scoop can be used 1x scoop = approx 800 gallons (3632L). The dosage can be adjusted as required with no adverse effects. We recommend dosing 10-14 days approx after using Cloverleaf Blanket Answer.
  • Pre-vent is to be added to the pond by mixing with sufficient pond water and spreading evenly around the entire surface of the pond. The pond will take on a mild cloudy appearance which will usually clear in a few hours.
  • For best results, use water above 10 degrees Celsius.
  • If river-type fish are present (sturgeon, orfe, rudd, etc.), pond-saturated oxygen levels need to be maintained at a high level.


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